
第四部分:. 公元219年
批准人:博士. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11


Tacoma Community College will adhere to civil 服务 rules regarding the layoff of 学院中未被代表的分类雇员.  Reduction-in-force /裁员可能 由于缺乏资金,缺乏工作或组织变化而发生.


To define the layoff procedures for non-represented classified employees when a reduction-in-force becomes necessary due to lack of funds, lack of work or for organizational change.  To additionally define the process used in association with a reduction-in-force or reduction in work hours or work year of permanent non-represented classified employees.


This policy applies to Tacoma Community College non-represented classified employees.   If affected by a layoff action, employees in temporary, probationary or other provisional status may request placement on the Institution-wide layoff list, however, are not 有资格在学校下岗.



357-01-195 -裁员单位

357-46 -裁员和离职


任命机关 – A person or group of persons lawfully authorized to make appointments, initiate 裁员、降职、停职、减薪和解雇.

Class – One or more positions sufficiently similar with respect to duties and responsibilities that the same descriptive title may be used with propriety to designate each position allocated to the class; that the same general qualification requirements are needed for performance of the duties of the class; that the same test of fitness may be used to select employees; and that the same schedule of pay can be applied with equity to all positions in the class under the same or substantially the same employment 条件.

类似的位置 – A position that has the same program specialty, required skills, knowledge, abilities 工作经验,工作周,工作时间表/班次,工作年限要求(i.e. 百分比 时间,每年的月数和相同的地理区域).  副总统 行政服务或指定人员将确定可比职位.

生效日期 -动作发生的日期.

全机构裁员名单 – A list containing the names of permanent or trial 服务 employees of Tacoma Community College who have been or are scheduled for layoff, or who have accepted a lower option 代替解雇.

裁员 – Separation from 服务 to an institution, from 服务 within a class, reduction 在工作年度内,及/或减少工作时数.

裁员资历 – The total amount of 服务 an employee earns as a result of unbroken classified 服务.  法定休假或无薪休假不构成休假 在服务; however, the time spent on such leave will not be included in computing 资历.  以临时裁员为目的的休假不被认为是休息 在服务.

裁员单位 – A clearly identified structure within an institution, within which employment/layoff 期权是根据裁员程序确定的.  裁员单位可以 是机构内一系列逐步扩大的单位.

特殊就业计划 – A program so designated by the Director of Department of Personnel, designed, and implemented to reduce unemployed and/or provide training opportunities to enable persons 让自己更容易被雇佣.

退伍军人保留偏好 – Veterans who are permanent employees who have one or more years in active military 服务 in any branch of the armed forces of the United States or who has less than one year’s 服务 and is discharged with a disability incurred in the line of duty or is discharged at the convenience of the government and who upon termination of such 服务 has received an honorable discharge, a discharge for physical reasons with an honorable record, or release from active military 服务 with evidence of 服务 other than that for which an undesirable, bad conduct, or dishonorable discharge is given, shall have added to their unbroken 服务 in the classified 服务, their 服兵役总时间,不超过五年.  不间断的总和 服务 in the classified 服务 and active military 服务 will constitute the 老兵的下岗年资.  合资格退伍军人的未婚寡妇/鳏夫是 享有退伍军人留职津贴.  老兵不包括任何人 as a veteran retired with twenty or more years’ active military 服务 and has military 退休金每月超过五百美元.


For the purposes of reduction-in-force, permanent, non-represented classified staff of Tacoma Community College will be considered as three (3) separate and distinct 裁员单位:

  1. 特殊就业计划.
  2. 项目工作
  3. 所有其他机密雇员.

The appointing authority will determine the number of positions that will be abolished 在每个分类中.  他/她或他/她的指定人员将决定哪些员工 are to be laid off, determine the options rights of the affected employee(s) and whether those rights include displacement of another employee in accordance with this procedure 或者公务员制度.

The initial order 的裁员 will be according to layoff 资历 of those employees 在受影响的班级里.  辞退年资以最早的连续日期为准 大学里的分类服务.  法定休假或无薪休假 will not constitute a break 在服务; however, the time spent on such leave will 不包括在计算年资.  在类别/分类中,紧急情况, temporary, or intermittent employees will be laid off before those with probationary 或者临时状态.  同样,那些有试用或临时身份的人也会 在正式雇员之前被解雇.  资历最浅的员工 最先被解雇,资历最老的最后被解雇.


  1. Provide the affected employee(s) a layoff notice which includes the following:
  2. 裁员的原因.
  3. 员工的裁员选择
  4. 裁员 lists that the employee is entitled to request placement on and how to request 全州范围内的裁员名单.
  5. 雇员必须选择裁员的日期.
  6. 雇员对解雇提出上诉的权利.
  7. Inform each affected employee that he or she will have five calendar days to select an option, if any are available, or to elect to be laid off and at the employee’s 选项,并被列入适当的裁员名单。.  每位受影响的员工 选择方案必须以书面形式提交人力资源部.

A permanent status employee will receive at least 15-calendar day’s written notice 的裁员.  The notice will be provided directly to the employee during his/her scheduled working hours or mailed by certified letter to the employee’s last known address if 该员工不提供个人服务.

Temporary, probationary, and other provisional employees who may be affected by layoff actions will be notified within 15 calendar days of the action unless unforeseen circumstances (i.e.(立即削减预算)阻止这种通知.

If the employee selects a position that is filled, the Vice President of Administrative Services or Human 资源 designee will inform those affected by the employee’s 决定.  将按照规定通知被解雇的员工即将采取的行动 有这个程序的步骤和规则.